Monday, November 17, 2014

What's your happy place? (Open Thread)

As this semester is coming to a close and the cold weather approaching, I catch myself thinking back to when I was relaxing on a beach in 85 degree weather.

Everyone has their "happy place" they go to in order to de-stress and get ready to kick some ass!

^^ An example of Happy Gilmore's happy place which helps him focus and relax in a stressful situation.

Where do you feel comfortable? What makes you relaxed? How do you deal with stress?

Comment below with your way to de-stress or where your "happy place" is!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Internships= Important

Internships have gained a bad reputation throughout the years due to the media. Such as interns only making people coffee, copies and doing paperwork... things that require little to no skill or degree. Obviously this is not true. Throughout my years in college, I have learned that an internship in college is basically required in order to get a job after graduation. Employers want to hire someone who they don't have to train since the applicant already possesses the desired skills since training a new hire costs time and money. 

Other than valuable job experience, internships also prepare you for the working world. Simple jobs most of us had during high school or college don't really provide you with a professional environment. Even dressing up everyday and sitting in a cubicle somehow makes a person act more professionally. 

I got my first internship last summer at Bentley Systems in Exton. I worked full time (40 hours) a week from May to August. Although it sucked giving up my summer, I gained many transferrable skills I know I will be able to utilize in the future as well as showcasing them on my resume. 

Being in a space where you can network and make connections is important for your future. Having these resources who could write recommendations and vouch for you is such a necessity now a days... It's all about who you know! Even interacting with professionals in a certain area helps you grow and learn more than any class could teach. Many interns have the opportunity to formally get hired long term for their company. 

Although it is difficult to even find an internship, my advice is to apply apply apply and apply early!! I probably sent out over 20 resumes and cover letters to many companies. I was lucky enough to hear back from some and even got a few interviews. It is important to not be picky in where to apply. I was focusing on a certain position rather than the industry itself. Because I narrowed my choices, there were not many options for me in the end. Luckily Bentley reached out and I spent my summer with them. I feel more confident and prepared for the future because of this.

Good Luck!