Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Quarter Life Crisis Still Going Strong

I started this blog for a class, circa fall 2014, and have decided to come back to it. This topic is so relevant to me as I’m going through my quarter life crisis. I’m currently in month 4 post grad and am still as lost as ever. My last semester of college I was in so much denial about graduating that I put off planning for the future in order to live fully in the present. I came across an opportunity to interview for a spot on a bus tour across the US. I sort of used that as an excuse not to apply for big girl jobs since there was a chance I would just pack up and leave if I was chosen. I made it to the final interviews in NYC which were the day after my graduation. It was an interesting and awesome experience, but in the end I wasn’t selected. I was kind of relieved because for 1, I get extreme motion sickness and 2, am not a great person to be around in the mornings. The day I got home from NYC I went right to my cousin’s college graduation, then directly to North Jersey for a few days for a family crisis. Anyway, the whole time I was being asked about having or applying to jobs. Being away was another excuse for me to avoid the future that was staring me in the face. Once I was home, my bff called me about an open position for an internship where she works. Granted, it would only be for the summer and I could work there while looking for a big girl job. I interviewed for it and got the job! I knew right from the start there would not be a position for me at the end of the summer, but experience is always beneficial and I knew I wouldn't find a job for a while.

Well here I am, internship almost over and still haven’t applied for one job. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’m driven and really optimistic about the future, but I’m scared. It still hasn’t hit me that I’m not going back to school with all my friends. I’ve found so many jobs I would like, but hesitate to apply to them. Everyone always says you don't need to like your first job, but it doesn’t have to be like that for me. I’m qualified for the positions I want at the moment and there are always jobs in marketing. The world looks so big and so small at the same time. I could move anywhere in the world; I have no ties. The problem is I don’t know where I want to go. It’s such a huge decision and I’m terrified I’ll go somewhere and not be satisfied. I can’t imagine working somewhere for years, staying in the same spot for that long. I don’t want to lose my youth. There are so many places and things I want to do and I don’t want to waste time. Maybe I’m stuck looking for the perfect job, but that doesn’t exist. I want to travel and do exciting things. I want to be part of something big that’s important and affects people’s lives.

The clock is ticking and my sublet is up in a few weeks. My friends go back to school and life goes on. Everyone’s moving on and I’m standing still. Once I’m back at my parent’s house I’ll go crazy. I want so many thing, but at the same time I don’t know what I want. I'm being thrown into adulthood and I'm not willing or ready for the real world.

Monday, November 17, 2014

What's your happy place? (Open Thread)

As this semester is coming to a close and the cold weather approaching, I catch myself thinking back to when I was relaxing on a beach in 85 degree weather.

Everyone has their "happy place" they go to in order to de-stress and get ready to kick some ass!

^^ An example of Happy Gilmore's happy place which helps him focus and relax in a stressful situation.

Where do you feel comfortable? What makes you relaxed? How do you deal with stress?

Comment below with your way to de-stress or where your "happy place" is!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Internships= Important

Internships have gained a bad reputation throughout the years due to the media. Such as interns only making people coffee, copies and doing paperwork... things that require little to no skill or degree. Obviously this is not true. Throughout my years in college, I have learned that an internship in college is basically required in order to get a job after graduation. Employers want to hire someone who they don't have to train since the applicant already possesses the desired skills since training a new hire costs time and money. 

Other than valuable job experience, internships also prepare you for the working world. Simple jobs most of us had during high school or college don't really provide you with a professional environment. Even dressing up everyday and sitting in a cubicle somehow makes a person act more professionally. 

I got my first internship last summer at Bentley Systems in Exton. I worked full time (40 hours) a week from May to August. Although it sucked giving up my summer, I gained many transferrable skills I know I will be able to utilize in the future as well as showcasing them on my resume. 

Being in a space where you can network and make connections is important for your future. Having these resources who could write recommendations and vouch for you is such a necessity now a days... It's all about who you know! Even interacting with professionals in a certain area helps you grow and learn more than any class could teach. Many interns have the opportunity to formally get hired long term for their company. 

Although it is difficult to even find an internship, my advice is to apply apply apply and apply early!! I probably sent out over 20 resumes and cover letters to many companies. I was lucky enough to hear back from some and even got a few interviews. It is important to not be picky in where to apply. I was focusing on a certain position rather than the industry itself. Because I narrowed my choices, there were not many options for me in the end. Luckily Bentley reached out and I spent my summer with them. I feel more confident and prepared for the future because of this.

Good Luck!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Volunteering Abroad

Since the after-college cloud is constantly looming over my head, I decided to reach out to my friend I studied abroad with. After we went to Cyprus, she went away to Bali on a month- long volunteer trip with IVHQ (International Volunteer HQ). 

"Established in July 2007, IVHQ has grown to become the world’s leading volunteer travel company, working in over 25 countries around the world and placing thousands of volunteers abroad every year."

I feel like the only time to travel around the world is after college. Before you know it, you are tied down with a career and a family. I have to get rid of the travel bug before my wings are cut, pessimistically speaking..

Anyway, I started to research opportunities to volunteer across the world, particularly Asia. In my travels, I've never made it there, which I feel like requires way longer than just a weekend trip. 

IVHQ offers volunteer opportunities in teaching, childcare, community development, medical, construction and renovation, turtle conservation and wildlife conservation.There are many opportunities in various countries that are of interest.

However, as broad as these volunteer categories are, as a Communication Studies major I feel like I could do something with a much larger impact.

I then did a general Google search on volunteering abroad and was shocked at how many programs are offered. I always thought the Peace Corps was the only program to offer a wide variety of opportunities in foreign countries. Though many programs offer a fee, the experience is generally considered "priceless." 

It's hard preparing to be in "the real world"- it's actually terrifying having the world at your feet! 

Volunteering abroad is a feasible option to be able to travel and make a change at the same time. 

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

As I mentioned earlier, I am really into zodiac signs and their characteristics. It blows my mind how accurate horoscopes are for each person. Some might say it's a hoax, that horoscopes can relate to everybody. I did research the Forer Effect which states that people will believe the descriptions only apply to them, however the characteristics are generally vague and could in fact relate to anyone.

It really comes down to what you choose to believe; a skeptic would hold doubt over any horoscope they read. But the interpretations of  zodiac signs vary from person to person. When I was young my mom would always read me my horoscope in the paper. I never really listened and kind of tuned her out.. (sorry mom!) However, in college I started to research the signs and relate the respective characteristics to my friends personalities.

For instance, a Scorpio is generalized as a possessive, jealous, stubborn person who is also loyal and passionate. I have two Scorpio roommates who are completely opposite, but both possess these characteristics completely. I don't believe the Forer Effect because I am completely opposite from other sign's traits. meeting people for the first time, we always ask what their sign is. It just shapes their personality and gives a sense of what they are like. I don't base my life around zodiac signs as much as I used to like reading the same horoscope 5 times a day. Although, it was crazy how throughout the day the same daily horoscope would change in meaning, showing my different mindsets and emotions at the time.

The reason I dedicated a whole posting to zodiac signs is because, personally I feel like my horoscope defines me and gives me optimism for the future. If I embody my characteristics and follow my passion I believe I will be successful in life.

I want to hear what other people think about horoscopes! Comment below anything relating to zodiac signs such as stories or beliefs, even calling them bs.. The only way to learn is with an open mind!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Surviving Ryan Air

I am going give some background first:

In the spring of 2013, I studied abroad on the island of Cyprus. I hastily applied to a program named "Semester in the Mediterranean" which was an extremely appealing program title. Also, in my haste I thought I was going to be studying in Italy. Once I got accepted, I was raving how excited I was to be studying abroad in Italy and my mom corrected me saying, "Oh no, Cyprus is in Greece." I was a little disappointed, but still decided Greece would be fun too. Only a few months before I was set to fly off, I decided to finally look at a map. To my utter shock and disbelief, Cyprus was an independent country... in the Middle East.

However, spending 4 months on this island being the only Americans was an eye-opening experience which is now close to my heart. Since this island was in the middle of many countries, I was able to travel to many many places:
Egypt, Turkey, Morocco, Greece, Italy, Spain, Ireland & Poland

The only way I was able to go to all these places is because of a little gem named Ryan Air. The flights are generally very cheap, but you get what you pay for! 

Ryan Air is known for getting your money with sneaky charges. Right from the start, when you are booking a flight on their website, read everything!! They try to charge for every little thing, even to book a seat when you can sit anywhere on the flight!! This part of the booking took a while to figure out how to get around, but just don't rush through the fine print.

If you don't print out your boarding passes ahead of time, there is a ridiculous charge of 70 euros to print it out at the airport. So make sure you have the boarding pass for each flight, including each way of a round trip.

Also, the main kicker- you are only allowed 1 carry-on that has to fit in a little box before you get on the plane. Not even a purse is allowed! I struggled with this so much!! On my way back from Morocco, I bought so many souvenirs that I had to wear every article of clothing I owned in order to get my bag to fit.

 how ridiculous is this?!

Once on the flight, the only plus is you get to choose your own seat. I would recommend boarding from the back since the front is generally crowded.

Usually European flights offer food and other amenities free of charge. However, Ryan Air leaves the lights on the entire flight!! They have announcements every once in a while offering lottery tickets, food and other gimmicks. Just leave on your headphones and make sure you have a sleep mask. 

As much as a pain this airline is, the bottom line is it gets you places. I wouldn't have been able to go to all of these amazing countries if it wasn't for Ryan Air. 

It's time for the United States to get an airline like this!!!

Everywhere Ryan Air covers

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The future is not slowing down...

What I am going to do once I graduate is always in the back of my mind. Before I know it, I'll be a college graduate with the world at my feet. It is terrifying. I've always been optimistic about the future although I have no idea where I will/want to end up. Recently, I've been banking on moving in with my brother who lives in NYC until I form a plan. 

My mother backpacked across Europe when she graduated college and had the time of her life. My brother went to China for a month after he graduated. I really want to go explore the world while I have the opportunity: before I start my career and fresh out of college. However, none of my close friends have any interest in traveling the world with me. 

Come this winter, I am going to have to start applying for jobs!! I've had my fair share of jobs in my life and even had a full time internship last summer. But I get so fed up with doing the same thing over and over and being in the same place! Choosing a job that I will have for years just makes me feel uneasy. Like a caged bird. Even though I have an older brother who just went through the same thing I have, he is completely different from me. He loved school and learning, so after college he got a job doing something that he loves. 

Either way I'm not moving back home... I'm just waiting for an epiphany rather than a midlife crisis!