Tuesday, September 30, 2014


As I mentioned earlier, I am really into zodiac signs and their characteristics. It blows my mind how accurate horoscopes are for each person. Some might say it's a hoax, that horoscopes can relate to everybody. I did research the Forer Effect which states that people will believe the descriptions only apply to them, however the characteristics are generally vague and could in fact relate to anyone.

It really comes down to what you choose to believe; a skeptic would hold doubt over any horoscope they read. But the interpretations of  zodiac signs vary from person to person. When I was young my mom would always read me my horoscope in the paper. I never really listened and kind of tuned her out.. (sorry mom!) However, in college I started to research the signs and relate the respective characteristics to my friends personalities.

For instance, a Scorpio is generalized as a possessive, jealous, stubborn person who is also loyal and passionate. I have two Scorpio roommates who are completely opposite, but both possess these characteristics completely. I don't believe the Forer Effect because I am completely opposite from other sign's traits.

http://www.signology.org/images/sagittarius-zodiac-sign-logo.jpgEven meeting people for the first time, we always ask what their sign is. It just shapes their personality and gives a sense of what they are like. I don't base my life around zodiac signs as much as I used to like reading the same horoscope 5 times a day. Although, it was crazy how throughout the day the same daily horoscope would change in meaning, showing my different mindsets and emotions at the time.

The reason I dedicated a whole posting to zodiac signs is because, personally I feel like my horoscope defines me and gives me optimism for the future. If I embody my characteristics and follow my passion I believe I will be successful in life.

I want to hear what other people think about horoscopes! Comment below anything relating to zodiac signs such as stories or beliefs, even calling them bs.. The only way to learn is with an open mind!


  1. As much as I hate to admit it, I'm also a huge believer in the zodiac because I always see stuff for Scorpios (that's me) and realize that I"m basically exactly the description. At the same time I always think about how after reading all of that stuff, I tend to portray those traits more strongly. I think if I didn't know that I was supposedly a jealous but passionate person, I probably wouldn't be as jealous as I actually am.

  2. I think that sometimes these characteristics are a bit broad so that one can find a little of theirselves in the description for their horoscope. Yet I do think they have some validity, I read up on my sign (Scorpio) and many things they say are true. I think as individuals we have it in our power to either agreed or disagree with the horoscope, certain things its off while other time its right on point and maybe that is where the real magic in the horoscope lies.
